This is ride is open to all members of the group, but is also suitable for people who have not previously ridden with a cycling group, so that they can get experience of riding with a group and so we can assess their requirements and advise them on how to continue.

Don't worry that you haven’t ridden in a group before, there is nothing difficult; we will explain what we do and how riding in a group is different from riding on your own before we start.  And in particular, don’t be concerned about the pace of the ride and not being able to keep up; the ride leader will adjust the pace of the ride to suit the group as we go along.  And we always have an official back marker; so no one will get left behind.

Before the ride, check out the page on our website about taking part in one of our rides "Taking Part", and take a look at the Advice from Cycling UK on riding in a group.  If you are new to riding with a group, please arrive 15 minutes before the advertised start time, so that the ride leader can brief you on how to ride safely with a group of other riders. 

You must not join a ride if you or anyone in your household is experiencing any of the Covid-19 symptoms
or if you have been advised to self-isolate

(D) In Search of the Dee Bore from Hawarden Bridge (suitable for newcomers)

10:00 Sunday February 11 2024

Current Participants: 5 space(s) available

    Our, now, annual trip to see the Dee Bore!

    The Dee bore is due to pass under Hawarden Bridge between 10:00 and 10:15 (depending upon weather conditions on the day).   So this year we will start the ride by the bridge waiting for the bore to arrive, before we set off.  The timing of the bore depends upon the sea conditions and prevailing wind, so we may have to wait a while for it to arrive, or set off quickly if it arrives early.

    If anyone is a bit late getting to the bridge, then you can most probably catch up with the bore.  It travels at around 7 to 8 mph and takes around 35 mins to go from Hawarden Railway Bridge to the Saltney Ferry foot bridge.  Most people can ride that distance (4.2 miles flat and straight) in under 20 minutes.

    We will follow the river all the way into Chester, around the racecourse, and through the Groves by the river, where we will stop for a banana break (there are public toilets there if anyone needs them).  Then up Dee Lane and Russell Street to the canal, via Westminster Road to Hoole, past Upton and Upton Heath, through Wervin, Stoak, Little Stanney and Wolverham, before taking the final part of the canal tow path to the Boat Museum for lunch.  After lunch we will go back through Rossmore, past the Vauxhall factory (one little, but steep hill) and through Childer Thornton to reach Hooton Station between 13:30 and 14:00.  People should make their own way home from there.

    The ride from Hawarden Bridge to the end at Hooton Station is only 22 miles long, but I will ride to the start from Hooton Station; so if anyone would like to accompany me, I plan to leave Hooton Station at 08:45 getting to the start at an easy pace by 09:40.  The attached GPX route on Komoot shows the round trip of 32 miles starting and finishing at Hooton Station: Hooton to Hawarden Bridge and Chester

    PS: No guarantees that we will see the bore, or that it will be magnificent, even though this is the third highest tide of the year (10.12m): the bore ranges in size from a few inches to four feet high.  It all depends on the wind that day and on recent rainfall (we want dry weather for a week beforehand and a strong North Westerly wind).   If you can’t go on this ride, here is a YouTube video that you can watch: Dee Bore

    PPS:  If you can’t make the ride with us on Sunday or you just want to see the bore again, the highest tide of the year is the following day, Monday 12th February (10.26m), when the bore should pass under Hawarden Railway bridge between 10:45 and 11:00.  And the second highest tide of the year is on Tuesday 13th February (10.16m), when the bore reaches the bridge between 11:30 and 11:45.

    Bookings no longer allowed on this date.