This ride is only open to members of the Wirral Cycling Group.  If you are an experienced rider who has ridden with other cycling groups and would like to join us on a ride, then please get in touch with us via the <Contact Form> so we can make arrangements.  If you have not ridden with a cycling group before, and would like to find out what riding with our group is like, then please book onto one of our monthly rides for newcomers.

You must not join a ride if you or anyone in your household is experiencing any of the Covid-19 symptoms
or if you have been advised to self-isolate

Port Sunlight to Yot cafe Heswall

10:30 Wednesday July 21 2021

Current Participants: 0 space(s) available

      This 20 mile ride is graded C and lead by Jill Mc. We will start at The Tudor Rose Tearooms opposite Port Sunlight station. Sign in/cuppa anytime from 10am. Leaving at 10.30.

      After picking up the W.C.T we will have a comfort break at 8.8 miles at Eastham C.P. At Eastham Village we’ll take Rivacre Rd and head towards Heath Lane and Willaston. We’ll stop for a banana break at Hadlow Rd. before heading down Dunstan Lane to Burton Marshes. From here we’ll pass Nets and head up through Neston, Boathouse Lane and then left through leafy Heswall on quiet roads eventually dropping down to Banks Road and The Yot. [CH60 9JS] After lunch the Wirral Way is very close, I’ll be heading up North towards West Kirby unless the wind is unfavourable. Wirral Way south and east will take you to Hooton Station. Garmin route to follow when I’ve checked it out.

      Bookings no longer allowed on this date.