This ride is only open to members of the Wirral Cycling Group.  If you are an experienced rider who has ridden with other cycling groups and would like to join us on a ride, then please get in touch with us via the <Contact Form> so we can make arrangements.  If you have not ridden with a cycling group before, and would like to find out what riding with our group is like, then please book onto one of our monthly rides for newcomers.

You must not join a ride if you or anyone in your household is experiencing any of the Covid-19 symptoms
or if you have been advised to self-isolate

(D) Bromborough to Chester Groves via Burton Marsh

10:00 Wednesday January 25 2023

Current Participants: 7 space(s) available

    32 miles; D ride.  A reasonable level of fitness is required, although the route is relatively flat.

    Meet at the Merebrook car park next to Bromborough train station (If you arrive by car, make sure that you park in the station’s car park, not the Merebrook pub car park).   Please arrive by 9:45 for 10:00 start.  We will proceed to Chester Groves via Burton Marsh with a banana break at Dragon’s Bridge, then onwards to our lunch stop.   Bring sandwiches, or you can buy food at one of the Chester Groves outlets and sit on a bench by the river (where public toilets are available).  We will stop for approximately 30 minutes and then return back to Bromborough via the Greenway.

    Route on Komoot: Bromborough to Chester Groves

    Please check that your bike is in good repair and that your lights are working as there can be low light in the winter.  Warm and waterproof clothing and a spare inner tube, a mobile phone and emergency cash.


    Bookings no longer allowed on this date.