This ride is only open to members of the Wirral Cycling Group.  If you are an experienced rider who has ridden with other cycling groups and would like to join us on a ride, then please get in touch with us via the <Contact Form> so we can make arrangements.  If you have not ridden with a cycling group before, and would like to find out what riding with our group is like, then please book onto one of our monthly rides for newcomers.

You must not join a ride if you or anyone in your household is experiencing any of the Covid-19 symptoms
or if you have been advised to self-isolate

(D) Port Sunlight to Yvonne's Cafe, Connah's Quay

10:30 Wednesday April 17 2024

Current Participants: 7 space(s) available

    This is a straightforward ride from Port Sunlight Railway Station to Yvonne’s Cafe, Connah’s Quay. The outward journey is 19 miles long and the return journey back to Port Sunlight is 14 miles long, making a total route length of 33 miles. The total elevation gain is less than 750 feet.

    The ride leader is Rob Holmes and he will be at Port Sunlight Station at 10.15 am, ready to begin the ride at 10.30 am

    The outward journey will take us through Eastham Ferry, Eastham Village, Childer Thornton and Ledsham, stopping for a break at Capenhurst. Continuing we will make our way along Dunkirk Lane, Bypass Road and Welsh Road to cross over the River Dee via Hawarden Bridge. A right turn will then take us to Connah’s Quay and Yvonne’s Cafe where we will stop for lunch.

    The outward route can be viewed on Komoot by clicking the link below:

    The return journey will go back over the Hawarden Bridge but will then bear left towards Neston. The route then heads up Leighton road and the Runnell, travelling across the Wirral via Thornton Hough and Clatterbridge to return to Port Sunlight.

    The return route can be viewed on Komoot by clicking the link below:

    Bookings no longer allowed on this date.